Natural home remedies for discomforts during pregnancy #PregnancyProbs
Changing hormones can cause a variety of discomforts during pregnancy. Common ones include nausea, fatigue, heatburn, sore breasts, back pain, and constipation. Thes are normal experiences for pregnant women. The good news is: most of these discomforts can be treated naturally at home.
Keep in mind, not every remedy works for every woman. You may need to try more than one remedy to find out what works for you. Always talk to your mid-wife or doctor about any pregnancy discomforts you are feeling. If pregnancy-related pain is severe or unmanageable, your provider may offer other options.

Nausea during pregnancy is often called "morning sickness," but it can strike any time of day. Some women feel the effects in the morning because thier stomachs are empty first thing. For nausea first thing in the morning: eat a craker before getting out of bed, and don't drink any liquids for the first hour. To help curb the problem throughout the day, eat 6 or more small meals and include protien with each meal. Drink water between meals, not with them. When nausa hits try eating crackers or pretzles. Ginger helps soothe nausea and can be found in ginger tea, ginger ale, ginger cookies, crystilized ginger, or small pieces of fresh ginger.
Feeling tired during pregnancy is common during the first and third trimesters. To combat pregnancy fatigue, take short 10 - 20 minute naps several times per day. Daily excersize like walking, swimming, or biking helps reduce tiredness. Include plenty of iron in your diet. Sources of iron include beef, dark leafy greens, and strawberries.
Tender Breasts
Breast tenderness is one of the early signs of pregnancy. Changing hormones cause pregnant women's breasts to become sore. Wearing a comfortable, supportive bra helps alieveate some tenderness. Avoid underwires and go for a sturdy sports bra. If night soreness is a problem, wear a soft bra to bed. Try soaking in a warm bath or putting warm cloths on your breasts.
All that blood that normally goes to your head is busy pumping to your expanding belly. Changing positions slowly can help aliviate dizziness. When lying down, lie on your left side or raise your feet. When getting up from a lying position, sit up for a moment before standing.
Mood Swings
Recognize that mood changes during pregnancy are normal. It is important to talk to someone about how you are feeling. Maintaing a balanced diet can help with mood swings. Cut back on sugar and caffiene. Regular excersize also boots mood. If you are feeling depressed, talk to your provider about antepartum depression. About 20% of pregnant women have some signs of depression.
Heartburn and Indigestion
The hormones that work to relax your muscles also relax your stomach valve. Also, that growing uterus is encroching on the stomach's space. Eating smaller, more frequent meals helps ease heartburn. Don't lie down right away after eating. Instead, stay seated for half an hour and then go for a walk. Eat slowly and chew well. Avoid consuming too much grease, spice, or coffee. Sip small amounts of carbonated beverage.
Hormones are relaxing muscles and slowing down the movement of food through the digestive tract. The solution is fiber, fiber, fiber! Eat lots of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Also add clean fats like avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, flax seed, nuts, etc. Drink plenty of water. Get daily excersize; walking helps.
Back Pain
Move around and don't stand, sit, or lie in one position for too long. If you must stand for long periods, try keeping one foot raised on a stool. Wear flat, supportive shoes with plenty of room for your toes. Avoid wearing high heels. Avoid picking up heavy objects, and bend at the knees when lifting. Getting adjusted by a chiropractor can help aliviate pain and avoid medication.
Edema or Swelling
Swelling can occour in the hands and feet during pregnancy. Be sure to discuss this symptom with your provier, as it can be a sign of complicatoins. To help aliviate swelling: drink lots of water, eat plently of protein, and skip the salt. Alternate between walking breaks and sitting with feet raised. Wear loose, comfortable shoes. Rest on your left side.
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Source: Elliot, L., & Flanagan, K. (2004). Growing great kids. San Angelo, Tex.: Great Kids.
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