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Think Green Parenting about real-life parenting and the little things we do to make our collective home a better place for ourselves and our kids. Life is a journey. As parents, we do what we can, and we support each other.


Parents makes choices that best suit families. Bottle or breast? Baby wearing or stroller? Baby-lead weaning or purees? Cloth or disposable? We each have our own parenting style. Every family is different. This site focuses on a range of experiances and articles centered on eco-friendly parenting practices.

Some topics we cover are: pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, green products, healthy eating, wellness, child-development, and more. If you are interested in writing an article for the site, email with your proposed topic. 


Think Green Parenting was founded by Emily Jean Roche, a mother of two, wife, writer, and teacher, living in Berea, Kentucky.

© 2015 Think Green Parenting | Proudly created with

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