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Why I don't use contraceptives

With the high rates of use of hormonal contraceptives, my choice to avoid them may seem odd, old-fashioned, or radical. Having considered the many different birth control options availible today, my husband and I have made an informed choice. I encorange all couples to do the same. Different people have different reasons to choose or avoid The Pill. Here are some of mine.

1. Fertility is natural

Rising and falling levels of estrogen and progesterone are a part of a woman's natural cycle; hormonal contraceptives keep estrogen levels unnaturally high. Why should I take drugs to stop something that my body is designed to do? I'm not sick. Mensturation, ovulation, and prenancy are natural aspects of a woman's fertility cycle; they should be celebrated, not stigmatized. Hormonal contraseptives are rampently perscribed to women without discussion of other, less medically invasive, options. Treating a healthy woman with drugs sends the message that her fertility is a disease. Fertility is not an epidemic we need to combat. Women should consider all their options before choosing medical intervention for their healthy bodies. Information is liberating.

2. The Pill comes with side effects

With a mulititue of pharmasutical options come varied side effects. Some women experiance nausea, headache, and mood changes. Birth control also comes with an increased risk of breast, cervical, and liver cancer. Moreover, blood clots, heart attack, and stroke are rare but serious complicatios of oral contraseptives. Why should I take a drug with potential risky side effect when there is nothing wrong with me to begin with?

3. Ethical considerations

Many women avoid birth control for ethical and religious reasons. Hormonal contraceptives effect the uterine lining and prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg, essentially causing a miscarrage or abortion without the woman being aware of it. Even when trying to avoid pregnacy, such as spacing between kids, we would still lovingly accept a new baby into our lives should one come along.

4. Natural alternatives exist

I strongly believethat couples need to be well-informed of their options when considering how to delay pregnancy. However, I was not taught about fertility awarness in health class, even though condoms and contraceptives were covered. Doctors are quick to offer the pill, but none have ever mentioned natural, drug-free, alternatives such as Natural Family Planning (NFP) or Fertility Awareness Method (FAM). Now that I know about such methods, I will never choose to introduce unesssiary artifical hormones into my body again.

Leave a comment. Do you uses hormonal contraceptives? Why or why not?



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